When it reaches its end date (indicated on the dosimeter) or when you leave CERN for a long period (> 1 month), please return your dosimeter to the Dosimetry Service in Building 33, during working hours: picture above ( mailbox below the readers of the CERN Community Support Center), outside working hours: picture below (mailbox Esplanade exit side) . Your Department/Experiment will be asked to reimburse any dosimeter that is not returned.
If you no longer require your operational dosimeter or if you are leaving CERN for a long period (> 1 month), please return it using the same letter boxes.
If the dosimeter is broken, lost or damaged, please go to the Dosimetry Service to report it and get it replaced. A damaged or lost dosimeter must be reimbursed by the Department or Institute/Company (CHF 350 / CHF 700). You will be asked to fill in and sign the lost/broken dosimeter form before receiving the replacement dosimeter.