Dosimeter return

Return Box


Please return your dosimeter to the Dosimetry Service in Building 55 when it reaches the end date indicated on the dosimeter or when you leave CERN for a long period (> 1 month). Dosimeters can be returned at any time using the letter box on the door to the Dosimetry Service. Your Department/Experiment will be asked to reimburse any dosimeter that is not returned.

If you no longer require your operational dosimeter or if you are leaving CERN for a long period (> 1 month), please return it using this same letter box.


If the dosimeter is broken, lost or damaged, please go to the Dosimetry Service to report it and get it replaced. A damaged or lost dosimeter must be reimbursed by the Department or Institute/Company (CHF 350 / CHF 700). You will be asked to fill in and sign the lost/broken dosimeter form before receiving the replacement dosimeter.